Diana Bitz, Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator
(510) 267-8315
Carmen Alvarez, Admin. Asst. Livescan
(510) 267-8343
All Diocesan Sites must have the Code of Conduct for ministry to minors available for review for its constituents. The policy and procedure for reporting sexual misconduct should be published at least quarterly in parish bulletins or through any other communication channels used. Please click below:
Diocesan Code of Conduct Adults working with minors
Code of Conduct for Minors working with Minors
Anyone wishing to report any allegation of sexual misconduct by any Clergy or Diocesan employee should contact the local authority, i.e. Police or Sheriffs Department, and also the Chancellor/Victims Assistance Coordinator of the Diocese:
Mr. Stephen A. Wilcox
Victims Assistance Coordinator
Diocese of Oakland
2121 Harrison St., Suite 100
Oakland, California 94612-3778
(510) 267-8373
Survivor Advocacy
(510) 267-8373
Survivor Advocacy
As a community of faith, we believe that the prevention of child sexual abuse begins with each person. Increased awareness and a willingness to take action are steps for every person to take to eradicate abuse in our society, in the community, in the neighborhood, and in the family.
To register for VIRTUS and either an online course or an on site live training:
For detailed instructions of the registration process click here
To see a list of scheduled live trainings in the Diocese and to register for an onsite class click here.
Our Victims Assistance Ministry offers a variety of avenues for victims and family members to report their experiences to our Office of Victims Assistance and to be welcomed, to receive pastoral care, and to learn about and access much-needed services. Diocesan staff serving in the Office of Victims Assistance believe that individuals and communities are best served through a prompt response to requests for help, respectful listening, attention to their needs, and services to help them in the healing process.
For more information on our Survivor's Ministry